May Update


May is off to a great start and the course is in excellent shape.  Our online tee time reservation service is up and running and can be found on our website.  Leagues have begun playing Monday thru Friday from 3 to 6 on both of our nines so please call before coming out and we can let you know what we have available.  After 6 pm we are taking WALKING ONLY tee times for the players who want to chase daylight out on the links.  Our hours in May will be from 7 am to 9 pm weekdays and from 6:30 am to 8 pm on weekends.  It has been great seeing so many familiar faces to start the season and can’t wait to see more as we keep going.  Please check out our Events page which has our outings listed and when the Golf Course will be Closed for public play.  Our irons only driving range is open daily from 9 am to 7 pm for the players looking to fix their games or keep it sharp.